Hear from women living with endometriosis
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My story began in November of last year. I started having abdominal pains on my right side that would radiate down to my pelvis. The odd thing is, I had pain when I wasn’t on my period. I suffered with this nagging pain until April of the next year. That’s when I decided I’d had enough. That’s when I went to see my gynecologist.
He suggested that I might have endometriosis. He gave me 2 options. I could try birth control for a few months to see if that would help the pain. Or I could have laparoscopic surgery to confirm a diagnosis of endometriosis.
I didn’t want to take meds for something I might have. I wanted to know for sure what I was dealing with.
I chose to have the surgery. I didn’t want to take meds for something I might have. I wanted to know for sure what I was dealing with. Maybe then I could take steps to start feeling better. So, in May of that year, I had the laparoscopic surgery, and it confirmed that I had endometriosis with adhesions. The adhesions were causing some organs to stick together.
I then had a surgery to remove some endometriosis lesions, which helped a bit. However, some of the lesions grew back so, sometimes, I still suffer from endo pain. At times, it’s very difficult to deal with. But, I’m thankful that all of my doctors have taken me seriously from the beginning. And, I’m grateful that at least now I know what’s causing my pain.
This story was submitted by a real woman and reflects her personal experience. It does not reflect AbbVie’s thoughts, opinions, or beliefs. Before making any changes to your treatment or lifestyle, consult with a physician.